Digit-eax is an optoislated interface who allows to connect, via the sound card, a PC to Yaesu FT1000MP radio in order to transmit in many different digital modes.
It has 1:1 transformers for the audio lines so to avoid rf loopbacks to the computer and a motorola MC1489 as level converter of the rs232 lines. It allows also to transmitt RTTY on fsk and afsk, cw, psk, packet, and it's used also to transmit audio from Pc (voice keyer, ft8). Moreover it is possible to connect an external cw paddle without disconnecting the cable to the radio. Three LEDs on the top of the cover signal the status of the serial lines and if the device is switched on or not.
The circuit was designed with the free software (limited version) Eagle Cad and printed using my homebrew bromograph.
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